Closing The Chapter of Germ Theory with Daniel Roytas – DrAndrewKaufman

Closing The Chapter of Germ Theory with Daniel Roytas – DrAndrewKaufman

As far as I can tell, allopathic medicine — based on the lies of germ theory — is in its final moments, until it vanishes into irrelevance. But with Daniel Roytas’ new book, Can You Catch A Cold?, finally out to the masses, it might get there much sooner. This work of art delves into many unsolved mysteries in the search for the true cause of life-threatening diseases throughout history… … and provides some of the missing pieces we’ve been after for a long time. Reviewing more than 200 contagion studies, Roytas leaves no stone unturned in the pursuit of unravelling this age-old mystery. After leafing through some of this new evidence — which has answered many of my remaining questions — I invited Daniel to the Healthy Living Interviews. We touched on his findings and the path that led to this eye-opening book. We also touched on the nocebo effect and how people get ill through the power of popular opinion, the true meaning of dis-ease, and why modern medicine has it all backward. If you’re looking to expand your knowledge on terrain-based medicine and more mind-blowing disproofs of germ theory, pick up Daniel’s new book here: Please share this video far and wide!

Content reposted from: DrAndrewKaufman


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