2.27.23: Cali, Ohio, Arizona…falling apart, Russia vs Ukraine MSM lies, SNL Truth, EXPOSURE! PRAY! – And We Know

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Corals Under the Sun
Song by Yehezkel Raz feat. Sivan Talmor
Take son to revival … not football: https://t.me/Armor_of_God/978
The Highly Toxic Ohio Airborne Event: Predicted 11 Years Ago!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Z__9Em1VuA
You’re listening to Dr. Edward Herman, the late Emeritus Professor at Wharton, UPenn, and co-author of “Manufacturing Consent” with Noam Chomsky, discussing the United States’ involvement in Ukraine’s 2014 coup: https://t.me/faithtruthhistory/4435
Hillary says Putin has mental issues. https://t.me/faithtruthhistory/4426
1000s demonstrate in support of peace efforts in Ukraine at the Brandenburg Gate in Central Berlin https://t.me/faithtruthhistory/4417
REVISITED: Trump, Sex Trafficking & How It Ties To Russia https://lizcrokin.substack.com/p/revisited-trump-sex-trafficking-and?r=17d7ph&utm_medium=ios
Do you begin to get the picture? https://t.me/LauraAbolichannel/33622
Retired US army Colonel on NATO and Ukraine… https://t.me/LauraAbolichannel/33617
Arizona Shocking levels of corruption! Watch:
Victoria Nuland is Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs under Biden. She and her husband are war-mongering psychopaths! https://t.me/LauraAbolichannel/33609
Watch what Woody Harrelson dropped on SNL! https://t.me/LauraAbolichannel/33585
CNN Report from 2014 https://t.me/LauraAbolichannel/33583
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